
Coda 2 extracting update
Coda 2 extracting update

coda 2 extracting update
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  2. #Coda 2 extracting update update

#Coda 2 extracting update update

  • Alternate AMC Companies – Move to EXECUTIVE SessionĮmail to the Fellowship re 2020 Income Update – Don advised that he does not have the information to create the email.
  • TMC Physical Documents – These documents have been successfully delivered to our attorney, Mr.
  • CoDA Historical Storage – Joan is still looking for a facility to store our documents and hopefully, a location will be secured by next week.
  • Michael noted that it would be important to document lessons learned going forward. Once corrected we hope to receive a credit for the charges.
  • Google Cloud Maps API – Nancy advised that we are working to correct a mistake made with the setup of Google Maps API as a regular account rather than a nonprofit and automated charges being made that were just recently discovered by the new treasurer.
  • Motion: To remove Conni I from our PayPal account and to add the Treasurer, Barbara D.
  • Online Accounts – Barbara is working on making the changes to the PayPal account but will need a copy of these minutes requesting that Conni I of SOS Solutions be removed from our account and that Barbara D be added to the account, and requested that the minutes be completed as soon as possible for this purpose.
  • Associated Management Company (AMC) Transition Update.
  • Once completed, steps can be taken to make changes to the website. Action: Gail is to ask Geff to create the pages required to move all of the past and current standing committee minutes of meeting to the website.
  • Location of Previous Years Committee Minutes - A decision was made to move all of the standing committee minutes of meeting from the website to the website and to provide just the link to these minutes on the website.
  • #Coda 2 extracting update how to

    Action: Gail is to ask Geff to send an announcement advising the Fellowship on how to translate the website. Nancy is working with the website consultant to find out why this is happening for some users. However, some users have noticed the bottom of the banner is cut off. It was noted that the speed of the sliding banner had been reduced and working better. An email announcement could be sent out and it could be added to the Frequently asked questions (FAQs). The topic of directing people to use the translate feature on Chrome to translate the entire website was discussed and how to inform and educate the Fellowship on this. Michael mentioned a concern that most of the website changes are for English, and asked if changes could be considered for international members. We will then add a new sliding banner to the Home Page pointing people to the new help guide that will hopefully reduce the flow of mails regarding meeting searches.

  • Possible New Banner for Meeting Searches – Nancy to ask the webmaster to create a new page on the website where we can post a Meeting Search help guide to assist people with doing Meeting Searches.
  • Phase II Update – We are nearing completion of the updates to the meeting search filters, and currently waiting to hear back from the website developer regarding costs to add a print button to the bottom of the meeting lists, and/or an extra button to allow people to extract meeting lists to a spreadsheet.
  • Motion: To Accept Consent Agenda – Moved: Barbara, S econded: Gail, Passed Unanimously. Treasurer’s report/Financials JP Morgan Chase Checking: To authorize up to 1 hours work to make these changes.

    coda 2 extracting update

    Also, to restrict the number of dynamic Google Maps on our current Google Cloud Maps API until the new account is created. Motion 6 - To create a new Google Cloud Maps API account with assistance from the website consultant and to get the website developer to restrict the usage of dynamic Google Maps on the website.

    coda 2 extracting update

    Motion 5 – Move that the Board authorize the Finance Committee to apply $12,182 of the 2020 surplus to the existing budget so there is a balanced budget. Motion 4 – To approve the CoDA QSR Q4 2020. Motion 3 – To approve Revision 3 of the JanuBoard Meeting minutes. Motion 2 – To approve the combined Board QSR4 2020. Motion 1 - To approve Version 5 of the Board QSR4 2020. Members in attendance included: Nancy O./Canada, Gail S./Nevada, Barbara D/NorCal, Faith J./Canada, Joe/Guatemala, Matt T./Texas, Don B./SoCal.

    coda 2 extracting update

    The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, February 6th by videoconference. Board of Trustees Minutes February 6, 2021

    Coda 2 extracting update