
How to make a game mod
How to make a game mod

  1. How to make a game mod how to#
  2. How to make a game mod mod#
  3. How to make a game mod code#
  4. How to make a game mod download#

The better way is to use the "find and replace with". Now you need to go through each object and set the "ConstructionTime" to "0.00000", but that will take a while so there is a better way.

How to make a game mod how to#

So lets move on to how to make a object build instantly.To do this find the object option called "ConstructionTime" and set it to "0.00000". If you can play round with this settings to understand them a little better. Properties = What properties does the object have. ToolbarSprite = The toolbar sprite of the object. MoveSpeedFactor = How much the workers move with the object.ĪttachToWall = Attach the object to a wall.īlockedBy = What the object gets blocked by. Okay so first scroll down until you see this.ĬonstructionTime = How long it takes to build the object. Instead i would like to go through this slow with you.

How to make a game mod code#

Now this file has a lot of lines of code in it so i am not going to tell you to copy it below. I want you guys to locate the "materials.txt" file, then copy it into your "data" folder and open it up. Now on to editing the "materials.txt" file. So i hope you have learnt how to make your own grants. Objective.RequireObjects ( "Accountant", 1 ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_Administration_Accountant", 0, 0 ) Objective.RequireResearched ( "Finance" ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_Administration_Accountant_Research", 0, 0 ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_Administration_Warden", 0, 0 ) Objective.RequireRoomsAvailable ( "Office", 2 ) Objective.SetParent ( "Grant_Administration" ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_Administration_offices", 0, 0 ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_Administration", 10000, 0 ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_bootstraps_chef", 0, 0 ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_bootstraps_guard", 0, 0 ) Objective.RequireRoom ( "Canteen", true ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_bootstraps_canteen", 0, 0 ) Objective.RequireRoom ( "Kitchen", true ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_bootstraps_kitchen", 0, 0 ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_bootstraps_yard", 0, 0 ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_bootstraps_shower", 0, 0 ) Objective.RequireRoom ( "HoldingCell", true ) Objective.SetParent ( "Grant_bootstraps" ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_bootstraps_holdingcell", 0, 0 ) Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_bootstraps", 40000, 0 ) This grant is taken from the "a" file from the "main.dat" file. The code below is a example of a grant where you have to do multiple objectives in order to complete the grant. I have went through and commented it so you can understand what every thing does. Objective.RequireRoom ( "Deliveries", true ) User has to build x amount of these rooms to complete the grant The RequireRoom to RequireRoomsAvailable, so then the This creates the room you need to finish the grant, So we put the name of the grant we made above in the string. For me i want the sub grant to be apart of the sandbox grant. This sets what grant this sub grant is apart of.

how to make a game mod

Objective.CreateGrant ( "Grant_Sandbox_Deliveries", 0, 0 ) Sub grant is a grant but inside of another grant. This is the same thing then above but this creates the sub grant. Second number is how much you get from Finishing the grant. First number is how much you get from accepting the grant. This calls the function 'CreateSandboxGrant' So copy the code below into the "manifest" file. Now before i can let you move on we need to edit the "manifest" file. I like to add just any picture for a temp thumbnail. You need to add a picture to this file called "thumbnail.png". Then create a text file called "manifest.txt".ĩ. Now open it up and create another folder called "data".

How to make a game mod mod#

Call this what ever your mod is called.Ĩ.

how to make a game mod

Open up the "mods" folder and create a new file. The location of the modding should be here: "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Introversion\Prison Architect".ħ. You need to locate the Prison Architect Modding folder. Copy all the ".txt", ".lua" and all folders into the "Main Data" file. Go back to the main.dat file and click on "data". You will need to make a file on your desktop called "Main Data".Ĥ. You need to open the "main.dat file with winrar.ģ. After you have locate your Prison Architect folder. It should be here here: "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Prison Architect"Ģ. First we need to locate the Prison Architect file.

How to make a game mod download#

Winrar: Click here [to download winrar.īefore we can start creating our mod, we need to create some files.ġ.Notepad++: Click here to download notepad++.

How to make a game mod